Monday 9 December 2013

Notes on My Tutor Report - Assignment 4

The overall comments were generally positive reassuring me that it's fine to be nervous and find the artistic process a little strange still, also that often struggling has a positive outcome long term.

Things to Think About

The woven sample of two pictures could be used to create a painting or patchwork.
My sketchbook needs to be less like a scrapbook and contain more actual drawings and thoughts of my own.
My theme book needs to contain more drawings so that the blank space is filled.
Notes that my preferred images are quite sculptural, do the vintage fabric designs I like have a 3D quality.
Use books more for research than the internet as it can provide biased information.

Things to Read Around

The braid makers workshop at The knitting and stitching show.
The british tapestry group.
Moore, Piper and Sutherland and Tracey Emin.
Cathy de Monchaux.
Mandy Pattullo.

Next assignment due January 2014.

Pointers for assignment-

  • How am i going to make my love of vintage fabrics and clothes work for a starting point for designing a textile piece.
  • Will I be doing a 2d or 3d item, will it be practical or decorative?